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Oreo Iced Coffee Recipe

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By: Marina Maletic

Last Updated:

Oreo Iced Coffee Recipe

Are you ready to give your morning coffee routine a delicious twist? If you love the rich, creamy taste of Oreos and can’t live without coffee, then this Oreo Iced Coffee recipe is a match made in heaven for you. 

Oreo Iced coffee is perfect for those warm days or when you just need an extra treat. What I like best is that it’s not only mouthwatering but also super easy to whip up at home. 

Let’s get into how you can make your own Oreo iced coffee that tastes like it’s straight from a fancy cafe!

Ingredient Notes

  • Coffee: Use your favorite brew. Personally, I think a more concentrated espresso, like a ristretto, is best. You can use a cold brew that is chilled as well.
  • Milk: Any type will do, but for an extra creamy texture, whole milk or barista-style oat milk is fantastic.
  • Oreo cookies: You’ll need a few cookies to blend into the drink and some to crumble on top for that extra Oreo punch.
  • Vanilla ice cream: A scoop of vanilla ice cream gives the iced coffee a smooth texture.
  • Ice cubes: Keep your drink chilled and refreshing.
  • Whipped cream: For topping. Optional, but highly recommended.

Oreo Iced Coffee Recipe Step-by-Step Guide

Oreo Iced Coffee Recipe
A delicious and fully loaded Oreo Iced Coffee (source: mickitos)

1. Brew Your Coffee

To start your Oreo iced coffee, choose your favorite coffee blend. If you want a more chocolate flavor, choose a dark roast. If you want more sweetness, go with a lighter blend. Personally, I like the sweetness with this recipe and recommend a lighter roast.

A cold brew is good because they tend to have a smoother, less acidic blend that goes well.

After brewing, let the coffee reach room temperature by setting it aside. This step is crucial as hot coffee will melt the ice too quickly and dilute the mixture. 

2. Blend Your Ingredients

Once your coffee is nicely chilled, it’s time to bring it all together. Add one cup of your cold coffee to a blender. Toss in three whole Oreo cookies for that signature cookies and cream flavor. There’s no need to crush them as the blender will do the work. 

Add a scoop of vanilla ice cream to get that creamy, smooth texture. Lastly, throw in a handful of ice cubes to keep everything chilled, and make sure you get a frothy texture after blending. 

Secure the lid and blend on high until the mixture is smooth and the ice is finely crushed, and you have a thick, creamy coffee.

3. Pour and Garnish

Grab a large, chilled glass and pour your blended coffee mixture into it. The drink should be thick and frothy, swirling with bits of Oreo cookies.

Pro tip: To take it to the next level, add a generous dollop of whipped cream on top. This adds a creamy texture that complements the crunchy Oreo bits. 

For the final touch, crumble one additional Oreo cookie right over the whipped cream. This will add a satisfying crunch and extra cookie flavor that makes this drink a true dessert.

4. Serve Immediately

Now comes the best part—serving your creation! Insert a long spoon or a straw into the glass and give it a gentle stir to mix the whipped cream and crumbled cookies into the iced coffee.

This step is optional, but it ensures every sip is infused with creamy, cookie-filled goodness. 

Variations and Tips for Oreo Iced Coffee

Oreo Iced Coffee Recipe
Sweet and refreshing Oreo Iced Coffee Recipe (soruce: mr.bspancakehouse)

Dairy-Free Version

If you prefer or need a dairy-free option, you can still enjoy this delicious Oreo iced coffee by making a few simple swaps. Replace the milk and vanilla ice cream with their dairy-free counterparts. 

Almond, coconut, oat, and soy milk are good alternatives that give the coffee varying flavors and creamy textures. For the ice cream, look for non-dairy vanilla ice cream. Top it off with a dairy-free whipped cream, which can be found made from coconut or almond milk. 

Extra Chocolate

You can never have too much chocolate if you ask me. Before pouring your coffee blend into the glass, drizzle some chocolate syrup around the inside of the glass. This adds a rich, chocolatey flavor that goes great with the Oreo cookies, but also makes for a visually stunning presentation. 

If you want even more chocolate, top the whipped cream with chocolate shavings or mini chocolate chips along with the crumbled Oreo.

Coffee Ice Cubes

A common issue with iced coffee is that it can become diluted as the ice melts, which waters down the strong coffee flavor. To prevent this, make coffee ice cubes. Simply pour leftover brewed coffee into an ice cube tray and freeze.

Use these coffee ice cubes instead of regular ice when blending your Oreo iced coffee. This way, as the ice cubes melt, they add more coffee flavor rather than water.

Oreo Iced Coffee Recipe

Oreo Iced Coffee Recipe

No ratings yet
Prep Time 5 minutes
Total Time 15 minutes
Servings 1 serving


  • 1 cup Chilled brewed coffee
  • 3-4 Oreo cookies
  • 1 scoop Vanilla ice cream
  • Ice cubes
  • Whipped cream (for topping)


  • Brew coffee and allow it to cool, then refrigerate.
  • Combine chilled coffee, 3 Oreo cookies, ice cream, and ice cubes in a blender.
  • Blend until smooth.
  • Pour into a glass, top with whipped cream, and crumble an additional Oreo cookie on top.
  • Serve immediately and enjoy.
Tried this recipe?Let us know how it was!

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Marina Maletic
Marina has written hundreds of coffee articles for publishers including Craft Coffee Spot, Gourmesso, and HomeGrounds. She comes from a family of coffee addicts but appreciated java fairly late — around 25 years old. Her coffee journey began with her passion for writing. Her first coffee assignments led her to fall in love with the drink that means so much to people all over the world. For the last six years, she starts every day by brewing a cup of coffee. Nowadays, if she’s not writing or thinking about coffee, she can be found trying out the latest social media coffee trend.
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